Friday, March 7, 2008

Man With Two Phones Appears Twice as Un-Cool

Silver Lake, CA--In a brash attempt to showcase high social standing, an incredibly important man utilized two mobile phones early Tuesday afternoon. The gesture occurred during a business lunch where the important man repeatedly excused himself from conversation in order to respond to telephone calls on one-device and text messages on the other. Its unclear if the mobile device dual wielding served any specific purpose, but the important man’s demeanor lead onlookers to believe he did it simply to ‘look super important and awesome.’

Though the other members of the lunch meeting seemed mildly impressed, the important man’s Gemini-phone technique served nothing more than to create the opposite impression than was initially intended. Furthermore, the important man’s desperado style mobile device holsters on either side of his waist only added to his perceived lameness as onlookers began referring to him as ‘batman.’ It remains unclear whether the man is, indeed, important enough to require two mobile phones or a suit jacket clearly two sizes too large.